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More cool lenses from Klenspop!

Hello, Hello

Sorry it's been awhile, had a birthday this week and wasn't able to blog it up lol. Any who, I'm back with another great pair of lenses from . I was soo excited when I saw the color, this go around I recieved a beautiful pair of sterling gray lenses. ST Two Color lense Gray to be exact.

The lens has two colors, I stark gray iris and a black limbal ring. These colors together make a beautiful contrast.

But first things first, let's start with receiving the package.

The shipping was super fast as always, and the box was small and compact so the lenses wouldn't slide around and get damaged, that kind of care is really appreciated =)

Then came the anticipation of unboxing

The lense box was also tightly sealed in bubble wrap for extra safe travels. It's also very fun to pop while you wait to wear your lenses lol.

After taking off the bubble wrap, there is another small box containing the circle lenses, like so

I love these boxes, the design is soo stylish and chic!

And inside this box lives; two circle lenses, a lense case, and a pair of tweezers

Then it's time to check the side of your lense vials to make sure your order information is accurate

Now to see the awesome color!

I was soo happy when I saw them and couldn't wait to put them in, but before we get to that, here is some information about the lenses.

Origin: South Korea

Diameter: 14.0

Graphic Diameter: 13.2

life span: 6 months

(for more information on the lenses, follow this link : )

now onto the pictures =D

wore first day wearing these out it was kind of rainy, but my eyes still look very smokey and doll like.

This one was in more direct lighting, the gray is very visable and I was told several times at work that they made my eyes look huge

These lenses are amazing! super comfortable and make eyes look so dramatic, large and beautiful

I wore these lenses for several days and they never felt dry or irritated, they are super comfortable and look so great in! 5 stars in everything most definatly ^.^

Thank you so much for this great opprotunity again, all products from klenspop have been amazing and shippng and prices are excellent too!

I highly reccomend shopping with, but go ahead and check it out for yourself =)

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